Planned Giving
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Jo and Al Rupp '68

Jo and Al Rupp '68
Jo and Al Rupp '68

A few years ago Jo and I transferred money from a mutual fund to create a flexible deferred charitable gift annuity with Taylor University. In doing so, we got a charitable deduction for a portion of the gift and avoided some capital-gain tax. We wanted to generate some future income, so we deferred the start of payments on the annuity. Because we weren't sure when we would retire, we set it up with a flexible starting date for the payments. The longer we wait to start payments, the larger the payments will be. The annuity will provide income to us as long as either of us is alive and will generate a gift to Taylor when we are gone. We wanted to receive income at some point in the future and make a gift to Taylor...the flexible deferred charitable gift annuity was the perfect way to do both.

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