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Minda and Dr. Jim Chow

Minda and Dr. Jim Chow
Minda and Dr. Jim Chow

As Taylor parents in the medical field, we feel strongly about the work of Taylor University and would like to share a small part of the story that led us to make a gift to the new Euler Science Complex.

We remember the concerns we had when looking at different universities with our daughter, Becky. Would her college be nurturing or cutthroat? Would she continue to blossom, or would her growth be stunted? Would she develop lasting friendships or would they be short-lived and superficial?

Gratefully, Becky chose Taylor, and we have been impressed with the caring nature of the community, the excellence and Christian commitment of the teachers, the reputation of the school, and the focus on Jesus Christ. Our impressions of Taylor University were confirmed by our daughter, who told us that this was her first choice from the moment that she stepped onto campus.

Becky was very well prepared in the Biology Pre-Med program at Taylor and has moved on to the University of Michigan Medical School. Becky's younger sister Caroline is graduating from Taylor in May 2012 with a chemistry degree, and Kelsey, our youngest, is a freshman biology major. Over the past several years we have had the privilege of serving on the Parents Council and have gotten to know the administration and the faculty very well. Taylor University, from the top of the organization to the bottom, is truly passionate about our children and the role they have in molding and preparing them to become servant leaders to bring Christ's redemptive love to a world in need. In fact, Caroline is considering an opportunity to teach chemistry in a Costa Rican Christian school after she graduates.

We are committed to supporting Taylor University as God wills. Recently we felt drawn and then compelled to support the new Euler Science Complex with a five-year pledge for construction and a deferred charitable gift annuity (DCGA) to support the science endowment. The DCGA allows us to prepare for [Jim's] eventual retirement as a physician with a guaranteed stream of income at a very good rate while also supporting the future of science at Taylor. Perhaps this combination of support would work for you as well. God bless you as you consider this opportunity.

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